Idora Beaumont’s #12von12 October, 2022: Caring for the sick

Idora Beaumont is a Grapic Designer and teaches our artists and craftsmen for better presentation at their maket stalls. But this 12th October is different. Caring for the sick is what Idora Beaumont did.

12 out of 12 is a tradition among bloggers to describe their 12th of a month – as a documentary about what life offers to be shown to the public. This could be a strange mixture of everyday life, dreariness, sensation or quite simple.

In Idora’s case it was late evening when everyone was sleeping that she found together 12 of her photos that have made her day:

Pic 1: It was a good night for the Löwen

Idora Beaumont #12von12 im Oktober 2022
Ice Hockey Results

Idora had a look at her mobile to scroll the Ice Hockey match photos. Löwen won.

Pic 2: Caught a cold

ora Beaumonts 12. Oktober 2022: Ihr Ehemann ist krank und liegt im Bett. Idora's husband is ill. He caught a cold.
Get well soon!

Due to the cold, her husband is ill now. He‘s in bed with all the drugs he needs.

Pic 3: Home pharmacy

Some medicine needed for relief: Idora Beaumont's 12outof12 tell the story about her 12 October, 2022.
Some medicine

Idora Beaumont was caring for the sick. She made her concoction to help ease the husband’s cough and soothe his throat.

Pic 4: Go shopping

Idora made some groceries for lunch. Idoras Tag ist vom Kranksein ihres Ehemannes bestimmt.
Get some food at Skyline Plaza

She had to go to Skyline Plaza to get some groceries and lunch.

Pic 5: Salad and congee

Lunch is ready! Idora 6 out of 12 show that lunch time is near. Delicious salad is served.
Delicious salad for the sick.

Caring for the sick again: Idora bought Caesar salad for her ‘patient‘ and wore a mask to enter the bedroom.

Pic 6: Greetings from the dentist

Greetings from the dentist. Grüße vom Zahnarzt. Der Zahnarzt hat bei Idora eine Zahnwurzelbehandlung durchgeführt.
After having been to the dentist

Idora had a root canal treatment, hence she can‘t chew very well.

Pic 7: Something tangible to eat

Für Idora gibt es etwas Handfestes zu essen, keine Schonkost.
Well tasting for a good appetite

Idora had congee with mush vegetables.

Pic 8: Thank you, Mr. Dentist!

Geschenke für den Zahnarzt als Dankeschön. Idora Beaumont ist dankbar für die gelungene Wurzelkanalbehandlung.
Sweets for the dentist

She bought gifts for her dentist as a token of thanks.

Pic 9: Ready for takeoff

Fertig zum Abflug oder ready for takeoff! Idora fliegt erstmals seit 2 Jahren wieder nach Hause.
Prepare luggage for travel

Packed her luggage for her trip back home. Thanks to Civid19 she‘s not been home for 2 years!

Pic 10: Cheese for cheese lovers

Idoras Familie liebt Käse aus Holland. Vor der Abreise hat sie noch schnell eingekauft.
Cheese from Utrecht for brother and father

Idoras father and her brother loooove cheese. They all love Holland Kaas (cheese). She bought these in Utrecht.

Pic 11: Live plant is about to go inside

Dem Olivenbäumchen wird es bald zu kalt sein im winterlichen Berlin. Idora denkt darüber nach, ob sie ihn schon jetzt ins Haus nehmen sollte.
Olive plant better go inside?

Attended to her tiny garden and thinking that the olive plant will have to go in soon.

Pic 12: Moved out

Idora Beaumont schläft seit zwei Tagen auf diesem Sofa. Hoffentlich nicht mehr lange.
The sofa is Idora’s new bed now

Her sofa is her bed for two nights at the least. Hopefully not for too long now.

Wir haben schon mit Idora Beaumont beim Onlinekurs „Werde EinzigArtist!“ zusammengearbeitet. Die Beiträge, die mit ihrer Unterstützung entstanden sind:

Auch ihre Künstler-Kolleg/innen haben Spannendes zu berichten: die Künstler-12von12 im Überblick

Wer die ganz große Szene kennenlernen möchte, ist bei draussennurkaennchen gut aufgehoben.

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